Maryamto Sunu - Dyandra Media International

Dyandra Media International

Maryamto Sunu - President Director

Gabriel Maryamto Sunu is the President Director of PT Dyandra Media International, Tbk since 2020. Before appointed as the President Director, his previous position was Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Dyandra Media International, Tbk. He graduated from University of Gadjah Mada majoring in Social and Politic in 1977 and obtained Master of Science in Business Administration (M.S) from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC), USA. He served as a Corporate Human Resources Director of Kompas Gramedia in 2005, Corporate Secreatary and General Manager of Corporate Strategy Management of Kompas Gramedia in 2008 and role as a Corporate Strategy and Management Director at Kompas Gramedia from 2016-2017.